How They Work, And How To Include Them In Your Marketing
QR codes are a form of 2D barcode that a smartphone can scan. The QR code then shares information in the form of text, web pages, contact information, and more. As a result, they’re often used for marketing purposes.
QR codes have been around for years and the long-forecasted demise of the QR code never came to fruition. They’re not a dying form of technology. In fact, they’ve actually been growing in popularity over the past few years because they can be used in so many different ways. A trend we believe will continue for a long time to come. What’s not to love? They’re an inexpensive way for businesses to advertise their products or services and an easy way to educate customers, generate leads, increase brand awareness, and drive sales, so it’s time to add them to your marketing strategy.
Interested? Here are a few ways you can use QR codes:
- As a way of connecting with customers through your website, social media accounts, or other online platforms;
- To generate leads. When a potential customer scans a QR code, direct them to your website or, even better, a targeted online lead generation form—an ideal way of collecting prospect information.
- In printed materials (e.g., business cards) as an alternative to traditional URLs;
- To help increase brand awareness—include them in a contest and promotion to make the campaign experience more interactive and memorable.
- To provide text-based information about various products or services, or menu items.
In our opinion, QR codes are not going away anytime soon, and they’ll continue to be an essential part of a strategic and holistic online marketing strategy. We love them! So if you would like to discuss how QR codes could be incorporated into your online marketing strategy, contact us today!